Saturday, November 28, 2009

Maya Angelou

I know this is small print, but you should read it, it is really good. I found it in my business cards work folder. At work I am the one in charge of ordering business cards and I must have taken it off the printer accidentally the last time I printed out orders for business cards. I love it and it was something I needed to read.

Wednesday, November 25, 2009

Samantha and Fairy

Today Kaitlyn drew pictures of her babies Samantha and Fairy. She did a good job.



Samantha and Fairy

A Chicken, Fairy, and Samantha

Our Photographer Kaitlyn




Sunday, November 22, 2009

For the primary program she stood up for the songs, but wouldn’t go up to give her part. Her teachers still weren’t there, the boy sitting next to her wouldn’t go up, and she couldn’t see Brandon and me. I’m still really proud of her. Kaitlyn is a really shy girl and for her to stand up there in front of everyone is a huge thing. She had Fairy with her the whole time.

Primary Activity

Kaitlyn’s 1st primary program is tomorrow and the practice is today. She did really well for the practice. She would stand up for the songs and she said her part. Her primary teachers weren’t there. She loved the pizza party after the practice and she loved playing with the kids.

Yes, she is holding Fairy. She had to hold Fairy the whole time during practice.

Bathe Time

My girls have always loved playing with balloons. Since Kaitlyn’s birthday party we have had left over balloons, so, they have been playing with them. Today they decided to put them in the tub with them.

The birthday outfit Grandma Peterson and Aunt Sarah gave her.

Tuesday, November 17, 2009

Random Pictures

I took this picture of Minnie Mouse’s butt, but Kaitlyn wanted me to. She thought it was a funny picture.

Don’t look at the mess, I have been working full time, and haven’t had time to clean the house. Kaitlyn took these pictures of Savannah and I think they turned out really cute.


My mom got this doll house for Kaitlyn when she was 1 ½ years old. She has gotten good use of it, but it is time to say good-bye. The girl’s have destroyed it. We will be giving it to Goodwill.


Halloween Night

Today is Halloween. The girl’s wanted to wear their costume the whole day, they are so cute. We had some family members over for the night. Bill, Marianne, Andrea, Jon, Nathan, Eric, and Gavin all came over. We loved having everyone over.

This is a Sperry Halloween tradition. Marianne made this and brought it over, it was so good.

Kaitlyn did this to my nose; she wanted my nose to look like hers.

Trick or Treating

Savannah carrying her pumpkin with her candy in it. By the end of the night it was so heavy, but she wouldn’t let anyone carry it.

Kaitlyn rode her tricycle the whole night

Marianne was the only one that didn’t go trick or treating. She stayed at my house to pass out candy. We only had 3 groups of trick or treating. Last year we had a lot more.

Tonight was really fun

Saturday, November 14, 2009

Trunk or Treat

Tonight I took the girl’s to my sister Jeannine’s ward Trunk or Treat. While Brandon stayed home and watched the Suns basketball game. We got Kaitlyn her Minnie Mouse costume a couple of months ago at Costco and she has been dying to wear it ever since. When we bought it she said, “I’m going to be the prettiest Minnie.” Our family loves Halloween.

Savannah was a ballerina, she looked so cute.

At the church

Devon decorated his parents van for the Trunk or Treat. He had lots of fun decorating and he went all out.

After the girl’s got their candy I asked Savannah for a piece and she said, “No,” then Kaitlyn said, “Mommy you can have some of my candy.”

On the way home. She has candy all over her face