Wednesday, November 11, 2009

Kaitlyn’s 4th Birthday Party

This is Kaitlyn’s birthday invitation she passed out for her 4th birthday party. She wanted to do a Minnie Mouse theme. Her birthday isn’t today, but we decided to celebrate it today. We had her party at the park in our neighborhood.

The birthday girl with Aunt Sarah

Her cousin Amber

One of the games the kid’s played was popping a balloon and getting a piece of gum. Amber hates the noise a balloon makes when it is being popped.

This is Peter he decided to invite himself to Kaitlyn’s party. He ate half our food and played our games. He was so annoying!

The 2nd game the kid’s played they won candy

We had a water balloon fight and everyone was throwing the water balloons at Peter.

Birthday Cake

Brooklyn and Andie, they use to be in our ward. Kaitlyn and Andie have been friends for about a year now.

Aunt Julie and cousin Christopher

Pa pa, Eric, and Gavin

Aunt Jeannine

Uncle Jon, Ga Ga, and Nathan

Savannah stealing the candy

Cousin Devon

Opening presents

This is Samantha, Amber made her for Kaitlyn. Watch our Fairy!

Jeannine made these skirts for her. One of the skirts matches Samantha. These are only a couple of presents Kaitlyn got. She loves everything she got. Thank you everyone.