Wednesday, November 17, 2010

Swan Valley Vacation-2010 Part 3

On our way to the Ranch in Swan Valley, Brandon’s grandparents live on the Snake River. As usual the girls fell asleep.

The kids and Brandon playing with marbles, Brandon used to play with them as a child. Growing up Brandon’s family would go to the Ranch every summer.

Having a bonfire, it was so much fun.
Kellen got the fire going for us. Kellen came for the evening to visit with all of us; it was fun having him there.

Kissing Cousins!!!
Savannah was obsessed with picking weeds and carrying it around, everywhere she went.

Having fun riding on the AMT!

This is our last day at the Ranch. Kaitlyn saying good-bye, to the stuff animal she fell in love with. It belongs to Ga Ga Hill.


jill 'E' jam said...

I remember giving Brandon rides on the AMT. Now he's giving rides to his own children. It's so precious!

Walker Family said...

Aw I love all the pictures! I wish we could have been there!

The Sperry Fam said...

I know I wish everyone was there too.