Before the testing began and she was so happy and cute!

In the waiting room

This is Savvy’s 2nd time to have this test done, last year she had to have it done too. Last year her results came back positive that’s why we have to do it again this year. Brandon had to come with us, because he had to go in the room with radiology stuff, I can’t be in the room since I’m pregnant. However, I was in the room where they put a catheter in her and this was painful to be a part of. Brandon, a nurse, and I all had to hold her down while another nurse put the catheter in her and it took forever to get it in her. Savvy was crying, tense, and sweating the whole time. After this Brandon and Savvy went to the testing room, while Kaitlyn and I went back to the waiting room. Brandon told me that Savvy cried when they did the testing. Everything came back negative, so, she won’t have to go back next year.

Savvy got to pick out a toy and Brandon said the toys were nice. She chose a Sesame Street toy.
Oh Savvy! Charity had to have that done too and she cried the WHOLE time! And she wouldn't let out the urine so her bladder got bigger and bigger and then just started back filling to her kidney. So painful! It broke my heart to stand there and not be able to pick her up and comfort her. Thank heavens it all came back negative so she won't ever have to do it again!
Ahhh! this makes me sad! Poor Sav! Glad they all came back negative!
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