I’m sure everyone that reads this blog already knows I’m pregnant. This pregnancy has been my hardest by far. I thought my other two were hard, but not after this one. I couldn’t eat anything. I would go 3 days without eating and still throw up. I was dehydrated, nothing sounded good to drink. I just wanted to die. My doctor told me either I call Alere (a place that takes care of pregnant women) or she would put me in the hospital to be put on an IV. I called Alere and this is what they did to me. I was put on an IV and also had a pump with medicine pumping into my body 24/7. The IV is to get fluids into my body and the pump is for nausea.

I only had to be on the IV for 4 days and I was on the pump for 7 weeks.
Brandon has been a huge help. He works at home 3 days a week, which is a blessing. He would have to work and take care of me and the girls. I couldn’t have gotten through the first 3 months without him. Thank you Brandon, I love you so much!
darrin had told me you were pregnant and i know how bad they are for you so i was wondering..... you poor thing i dont know if i could keep doing it if they were all that bad, so glad its a boy for you though, maybe we traded and ill get your girl!!!!
i feel for you and i SO know how you feel. my last four were this way till the moment they left my body. I need your address again and this time i promise i won't lose it again :o)
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