Saturday, May 22, 2010

Savannah's Birthday Party

We finally got to celebrate Savannah’s Birthday. She loves puppies so that is what she wanted her theme to be for her party. We had the party at one of the parks in our neighborhood. Her party turned out really nice. Thank you everyone for coming to celebrate her special day.

This is the cute outfit Ga Ga and Pa Pa got her for her birthday!

My good friend Brent from work, I’m so glad he came.

Aunt Andrea made these sugar cookies for her party. They were so good. Thank Andrea for making them.

Brent got her this Dachshund puppy and she loves it.

Her birthday cake, it turned out so cute!

Opening presents! She got really nice stuff that she will have fun playing with and wearing. Thank you everyone!

When we got home from the party, I asked Savannah “Did you have a good birthday party” and she said, “Yeah”. I’m glad she had a good party.


jill 'E' jam said...

What fun pictures Leslie. I'm so glad I got to see her and our kids get to play together this summer. It's less than a month! Woot woot! =D Love you!!