A few months back she got an UTI. Her doctor wanted her to get an ultrasound and VCUG test to make sure her kidneys are ok. We finally were able to get her appointment done today. It didn’t go too well, she cried the whole time. I felt so bad for her.

After her ultrasound they gave her this teddy bear

Right before her VCUG test.
After the testing the doctor told me they did find a little reflex on her left side. So, now I have to wait for her doctor to call and let me know what we need to do, I don’t think it is anything too serious. Also, after her test they let her pick out another teddy bear.

As soon as I put her in her car seat she wanted to go to sleep with the teddy bear, she has had a hard morning.
Awwww sweet girl! She's so precious and sweet! Hope everything turns out ok. If you need advice, call Jill!!! :) She had a lot of this sort of testing done on Charity. Give Savy kisses!
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