Tuesday, January 20, 2009

Setting up the Christmas tree

Yes, Christmas has come and gone, but we're slow in updating things. Kaitlyn was really excited for Christmas this year, which made it more fun for Brandon and I, as this is the first year she's really started to grasp the concept of Christmas. When we told her it was time to put up our Christmas tree and decorations, she went bonkers, and wanted to help so bad. It was really fun as a parent to see your child get so excited over an event like Christmas. Usually putting up the decorations is such a chore, and sometimes hard for us to enjoy doing, but seeing Kaitlyn's enthusiasm made it worth the work. Anyway, here are a few photos of Kaitlyn putting things up.


zoo keeper said...

What a dollface!
I miss you Leslie!
How fun would it be for our girls to play together!!