Friday, January 29, 2010

Sewing On Paper

In my Scrapbook Magazine I see lots of design pages that people sew on paper, and it turns out really cute. This was my first time to sew on paper, it turned out ok. Maybe, I just need to do it more and I will get better at it. If anyone has any good ideas for sewing on paper I would love to know them. I sewed a folder to put my Christmas cards in. I like to make folders to put my cards in that people give me or give my family.

Sewing Skirts

My sister Julie got these pants at a yard sale and gave them to me for Savannah. I thought they would be cute if I turned them into a skirt for her.



I’m happy with how the skirt turned out.

Julie also got these jeans for Kaitlyn at a yard sale and I made her a jean skirt with them. Every day she wants to wear a skirt.
I’m happy with how this skirt turned out too.

Aunt Sue

Brandon’s Aunt Sue was visiting this week and we got to see her a couple of times. The girls had tons of fun with her. This picture was taken at our house after we went to Café Rio.

With Cousins

We went to my sister’s house this morning. She watched the girls’ while I went to the store, when I got back this is what I saw. All the kids calm and eating lunch. I just thought they all looked so cute. My kids love having and living close to their cousins.

On the way home she fell asleep.

Our Sammie

Today the girls were playing with Sammie. Kaitlyn kept putting her penguin on him and Savannah would take it off. Also, they kept petting him and kissing him. I think he liked it, all the attention. We had Sam before we had kids and he gets forgotten about a lot of time. I feel bad for him.

Painting Hello Kitty

Kaitlyn got this Hello Kitty for her birthday and she has been wanting to paint it ever since.

Kaitlyn had so much fun painting and she did a good job. I need to let her paint more often. She loves anything that has to do with art. I would love to get her art lesson one of these days.

Pantry Time!!!

Savannah loves to get in my pantry and take everything out.

Thursday, January 14, 2010


Kaitlyn’s first day of CTR 5 was 1/10/2010; she did so well with her new teachers. I can’t believe how old she is getting; she is growing up too fast. Her first day was supposed to be 1/3/2010, but we were all so sick and couldn’t go to church. She got this CTR ring, I was hopping the picture would turn out better. Kaitlyn loves her new ring.


Brandon took this picture of Kaitlyn just because.

Kaitlyn in blanket sleeper’s

This is a picture of Kaitlyn in her new pajama’s Uncle Teejay and Aunt Julie got her for Christmas. She loves them. Seeing her wearing these kind of pajama’s makes her look little.

January 2010

New Year’s Eve- 2009

This year Savannah needs to give up the bottle

This year Kaitlyn needs to sleep in her own bed the whole night. When I wake up in the morning Kaitlyn is sleeping in our bed.

We had a wonderful New Year’s Eve. We spent it with family at our house. We had Bill, Marianne, Andrea, Jon, Nathan, Eric, Paula, and Gavin over. We had a roast and other good foods. We got the new Mario game for our wii and had tons of fun playing that as a group. We also, watched some TV. It’s always fun to be with family.

These were the funniest pictures. We all laughed so hard. The way Andrea is sitting on Brandon she looks huge and the way Brandon is sitting on Andrea he looks huge.

I’m excited for 2010 and all the adventures our family will have. I can’t believe 2009 is over, it went too fast. The older I get the faster life goes; I wish it would slow down.

Donut Face

We ate donuts for breakfast and Savannah got it all over her face.

Found Lost baby

I really don’t like for my pictures to be out of order, it drives me crazy, but I forgot to blog this picture. Savannah had thrown her baby on the ground at Target without me realizing it. We left Target and went shopping at the mall, and that’s where I realized we didn’t have her baby. Savannah loves this pig, it’s the first thing she has gotten attached to, and so, I didn’t want to lose it. We went back to Target and went to the lost and found and her pig was there. This is her after we found the pig.

Wednesday, January 6, 2010



Kaitlyn and Sammie have become good friends lately. She is gentler with him.

Cute Girl

Savannah wearing her cute pajama’s she got for Christmas from Grandma and Grandpa Sperry.

Christmas 2009

Some highlights from Christmas
In the morning as soon as Kaitlyn woke up she walked right pass the presents and straight to Santa’s plate. She wanted to make sure Santa got his milk and cookies.
These are the big gifts Santa brought the girls.

Sammie loves opening presents.

Kaitlyn wearing a new outfit she got.

My family got Sammie a snuggie.

Sammie wearing his snuggie, he looks fat in it.

Santa brought these cute crayons for the girls; I just love anything that has to do with dachshunds.

This was my favorite gift and it was from my sweet husband. One day while I was at work he took these pictures of the girls holding the picture of my dad. Brandon knows how much I miss my dad and this was a sweet gift. I can’t believe the girls sat still long enough for him to take the picture.