Wednesday, July 29, 2009


I got this book for Mother’s Day and I love. Here are some quotes from the book that I love.

“Elder Russell Ballard reiterated this sentiment in his assertion that “there is no role in life more essential and more eternal than that of motherhood.”

“The Prophet Joseph Smith is reported to have said at one time that one of the greatest sins for which the Later-day Saints would be guilty would be of ingratitude. I presume most of us have not thought of that as a serious sin. There is a great tendency for us in our prayers-to ask for additional blessings. Sometimes I feel we need to devote more of our prayers to expressions of gratitude and thanksgiving for blessings already received.”

“As mothers, we need to enjoy the “little” things in life; for one day we may look back and realize that they were the “big” things.”

“I sometimes wonder if my children know from my example and expressions that it is “such a joy to be a mother.” Or, rather, do they view motherhood as difficult and mundane? What attitudes about motherhood am I creating in my home? If my children observe my selfless actions and attitude, it is likely that they too will become selfless. Conversely, if they observe selfishness, then they too may become selfish. What will be the legacy that I bequeath to my children?”

Staying up late

Lately I have been staying up late, like Brandon. Sunday night I stayed up fixing and making jewelry. These are the necklaces I fixed.

This is the one I made, I'm happy with how it turned out.

Kaitlyn and Savannah at 17months

At Aunt Andrea’s wedding

The same dress, but Savannah is at church.

The last prize for the summer reading program

For the girls’ last prize they got to pick out a book.

This was last week when their books came in the mail. They loved opening their package.

Play fighting

Last week in the morning the girls decided to play fight.

Tuesday, July 28, 2009

Pioneer Day

I know this is late, but better late than now. I want to share a story about John Taylor, when I was on my mission in Nauvoo I got to share this story, when I served in his home. I love it so much. I’m so grateful for the early saints of the church.

As the story is told, the Taylor family left Nauvoo in the spring of 1846 with several covered wagons and a carriage. As they traveled out into Iowa Territory, one of their sons cried constantly. No one could comfort him or get him to tell why he was crying.

One morning his father sat him down and said, “You have to tell me what is the matter. You can’t go on crying day and night.” Through his tears the small boy said, “I miss my rocking horse.”

Although there were dangers in Nauvoo, as Church leaders were know to the mobs, John Taylor rode back to Nauvoo, found the rocking horse, and returned it to his son. He tied the little toy on the outside of the wagon.

They traveled on to the banks of the Missouri River where they stayed at Winter Quarters.

In the spring the family packed their covered wagon, and with the little rocking horse tied on the side again and began their trek to the Rocky Mountains.

We often hear of the great service the early leaders of the Church rendered to the Saints, but what a special thing it is to hear this story of John Taylor, the devoted father.


Last week when I was going home from work I saw a car on fire. The whole car was on fire, it was so crazy. There were people off to the side of the freeway. A person was laying on the ground. I hope everyone was ok. This is a picture of the car.

Thursday, July 23, 2009

My Kitty

Our dog Sammie with our new kitty named Kaitlyn. Kaitlyn loves to pretend she is a kitty. Her jacket has a kitty’s face on the hood.

She wanted me to put milk in a bowl for her

Kaitlyn's skirt

My sister Jeannine helped me sew this skirt for Kaitlyn, it turned out really cute.

Amare Stoudemire

I’m not a huge sports fan, but I got so excited when I saw Amare Stoudemire from the Phoenix Suns. I saw him on Tuesday at work getting into the elevator. I am so star struck.

Monday, July 20, 2009

Kaitlyn’s Pictures

Lately, she loves having pictures of herself taken. After Brandon or I take ones she wants to see it.


I have wanted to post about this Minnie tin for a little while now. Grandma Peterson found it for Kaitlyn at a yard sale and she loves it. I think it is so cute!

Trash girl

Kaitlyn’s not the trash girls Savvy is. Kaitlyn was being silly and wearing Brandon’s hat. The girls love to wear his hat. Our last morning in California, we went back to HOT Arizona. We had a wonderful family vacation. It was wonderful to get away with my family, we don’t do it enough. At home we have very busy schedules and don’t get to spend enough time together as a family.
She loves to dig through the trash and take everything out. Also, she loves to eat what she finds in the there. It is so gross!

The goodies she found


So, I posted a lot of new pictures to view all our new pictures start on the older posts first. Start on picture titled Sleepy Head.

Sea World- Goodbye

We had tons of fun at Sea World, and want to go back soon. The girls lasted from 10am to about 5pm, which is wonderful. Brandon and I didn’t think we would last that long. We were worn out by the end of the day and sunburned.

Sea World- Dolphin Stadium

We went to the Dolphin show and had lots of fun. We sat in the soak zone and the water felt so good. It was a hot day. The first time the water hit us Savannah cried, she wasn’t expecting the water, and at first didn’t know what had hit her.

Being in the sun all day brought out Kaitlyn’s freckles. You can’t tell in the pictures, but they are so cute.

Sea World- Savvy and Mommy time

Brandon and Kaitlyn were away doing something, so, we were waiting for them. I decided to have Savvy and I take some pictures together.

Sea World- Shark Encounter

I never thought Sharks were fascinating until going to Sea World