Wednesday, October 15, 2008

Bad at Blogging - Quick Update

So we've been pretty busy lately and the blog has just taken a back seat. Here's a quick update of last months happenings.

Savannah has moved into her jumper, and she loves it.

Leslie and Jon's Birthday Party was last month. We had a dinner at our place.

At the party, "Ga-Ga" presented the girls with Mickey Mouse hats. They looked cute.

More randoms from the party.....

Kaitlyn attended her nursery friend Andy's princess birthday party.
Kaitlyn has been gracious enough to think of her stuffed Pluto's over her real puppy Sammie. Meanwhile, Sammie pouts under the table.

And finally, Nate Slate's Baby Blessing...
Some randoms from the blessing day....

And I'm spent. Hopefully it won't be another month before we post again. Hope everyone is well.