Dad turned 63 on Novemeber 22nd. Talk about old...sheesh. Just kidding Dad. We met up with Mom, Dad, Andrea and Jon at Organ Stop Pizza. It's a good place to go, especially with the kids. We had a lot of fun talking, and listening to the music there. Kaitlyn is fascinated by the organ, and loves to dance along to the music. Savannah has been having a rough time with her top teeth coming in, so she wasn't in the greatest of moods, but little Nathan (I say "little" when reality, he's HUGE) seemed to love the lights, and all the noise going on. It was a good evening, and I hope Dad enjoyed his birthday. Anyway, happy birthday Old Man!!! We love you.
Sunday, December 7, 2008
The Old Man's Birthday
Posted by The Sperry Fam at 9:00 PM 2 comments
We had some family over for Halloween. Last year, Kaitlyn loved trick or treating, so I figured this year, she'd really enjoy it. She wore her Sleeping Beauty dress. From the moment she woke up that morning, all she would talk about was going trick or treating. Brandon's Dad came over, and Andrea, Jon, and Nathan joined us as well. Brandon's Dad had some food catered to the house, and then he and Brandon took Kaitlyn out for the night. She had so much fun, and even was courageous enough to knock on the doors, and say the occassional "trick or treat". Savannah went along with them as well. It was fun to have the family over.
Posted by The Sperry Fam at 8:42 PM 0 comments
Kaitlyn's 3rd Birthday Party
Posted by The Sperry Fam at 8:16 PM 1 comments
Wednesday, October 15, 2008
Bad at Blogging - Quick Update
Posted by The Sperry Fam at 10:18 PM 2 comments
Sunday, September 14, 2008
Activities away from home
Today was Sunday and everyone was sitting by the pool. Kaitlyn wanted to go swimming and we told her not on Sundays. She kept saying she has stinky feet and needed to clean them. So, we gave in and told her she could put her feet in the pool. She wanted all of her clothes off to go in the pool, and Brandon told her she's not going to go skinny dipping in the pool.
Savannah's favorite blanket.
Posted by The Sperry Fam at 11:00 PM 3 comments
Sunday, September 7, 2008
A Not So Sperry Good Time
Well, we haven't posted anything for a good while now. It's been an eventful last 3 weeks or so in our lives. I wish I could say that it was a good eventful 3 weeks, but I cannot. Sometimes life has a way of humbling you when things are going well.
We had just finally got the itch paint Kaitlyn and Savannah's room, and followed through with it for a change on the 16th. We finished that up, and were pretty pleased with how well it turned out, and had already started talking about which room we were to do next.
The next morning we received word that my sister Andrea and her husband were to have their little boy. Though the circumstances behind the delivery were a bit worriesome, when all was said and done, it was a good day. Baby Nathan arrived healthy, and Andrea did well too.
And then....the humbling. We sprung a leak in the night in our upstairs guest bathroom, and woke up to quite the mess. Frantically throwing towels down to try and mop up the mess in our hallway, Leslie and I knew this was bad and that no amount of towels we threw down would bail us out of this (though I do believe that we used every towel in the linen closet). Comfirming our fears even further, we walked dowstairs only to see water dripping for our ceiling in the family room, and down the wall by our sliding door. Running to grab buckets to catch the water, we tried to figure out who to call. When we figured it out, we waited with knots in our stomachs as the water remediation company arrived to assess the damage. Well, long story short....the flood happened on the 18th, and we just arrived home yesterday....almost 3 weeks after the incident. Some replaced drywall, carpet, baseboards, and an insurance deductible later, we are again trying to put the pieces to our house back together again. I'll try to post pictures later.
Let me say how grateful I am to both Jeannine for letting us stay at her house that first evening, and to my parents, for taking us into their home again while we awaited the day we could come back. In such a stressful situation, the support we received from family made me feel comfortated. I will always appreciate the help we received.
Posted by The Sperry Fam at 3:15 AM 4 comments